2.07.15 intro 1&2 chorus V1nikola


V4 Nikola bridge fade 12.14.14


need to record all as one the additions of 2.7.15 believe on phone need to check

Revised  10.26.14 : the music above changed to transitions

2.07.15: (worked on verses and bridge for Nikola as noted below)
summary: changed melody to intro 1 and 2
changed words Renata Verse1 see 1026.14 heading under lyrics
cut verse 4:

2. 7.15 Chords to :.
A7cadd9(resolve) open G FMAJ 7

Intro 1: both
My dear child
My father told me
Whose father told him
This story has been repeated
Over and over so, I now
To you, will tell it again.


TRANSITION:A strong line on B scale it is a lick
Damon wrote:

From FMaj7-> A string 3-2-3->5->
-> 5->3->2 pull off Am

Intro 2: Both sing
This is how it begins
A life of believe, when
Tell the children
They are our beginning
our middle
and are our end

Changed chords to:
A7Cadd(resolve changed fingers)open GFMJ 7
2.7.15 decided no chorus here

Verse 1  ( Am Cadd9 G Em palm mute)
Four horseman ride on their steed
Black, pale, red and white have great speed
Ride north, south east and west
Conquest, war, famine and death


Chorus Nikola( A7E7GD )
There is dust and clouds and chaos
No understanding among us
Red rain in the air death everywhere
How an Apocalypse is happening now
Being lead deep into the underground
Hear blasts, there are loud explosion sounds

( no transition chords just measure) 2.07.15

V2 Nikola ( Am Cadd9 G Em palm mute) ? same as V1?

Fear placed in my racing heart =7
Beats skipped feel myself fall apart=8
Strangers  stand over me and guard= 8
Not much air find myself breathing hard=9

( no transition chords one measure) 2.7.15

Chorus Nikola( A7E7GD )
There is dust and clouds and chaos
No understanding among us
Red rain in the air death everywhere
How an Apocalypse is happening now
Being lead deep into the underground
Hear blasts, there are loud explosion sounds

( no transition chords just one measure)2.7.15

Verse 3 Nikola
re: Nov 9.14 did not look at 2.7.15
See  a man with white robes seems wise
Hold incenses claims he saved our lives
Life above he says no longer exists= ( 12.14.14 remove as)
Prays for survivors of the Apocalypse

now verse 4( bridge) 12.14.14

2.7.15 chords( Amin E min FMC) music on my phone

Told must live in this dark and unknown=9
This is now what must be called home=7
All above is like stone, hard and still=8
Tell your children how it fell and so, is now called hell=11 (added 12.14.14)
Is now called hell added ( 12.14.14)
Tell your children how, now  is called hell (added 12.14.14)


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